High performance for
your veterinary clinic

We are not only skilled in building high quality equestrian facilities but are also a trustworthy partner when it comes to veterinarian clinics, especially ones designed for horses. Thanks to our experience, we are able to show you what’s important; with our expertise tied with your vision we create a safe haven for a healthy horse. Because it’s our priority.
Our main Focus:
- Home technology as a centerpiece (Viebrock quality)
- Safety and hygiene is our top priority
- Practical flooring and wall coverings
- Optimised daily processes
Healthcare Centre
My visions became reality while designing the therapeutic center.
Jana Anakena Taeger,
FN equine physiotherapist
Equine Clinic
Sottrum West
Healthy horses are our priority
We enjoyed working with Dr. Michael Paar while building his veterinary clinic.
Being horse-friendly is the top priority. We share that sentiment.
Detmar Wiltfang,
Building with

Possibilities for your clinic
- Individual therapeutic areas (for example ground-level aquatrainer)
- Highly effective injury protection
- Spacious, heavily padded recovery boxes
- State-of-the-art and sustainable energy systems
- Innovations for a sustainable clinic
- Companion-friendly construction (to be able to be close to your horse)